Saturday 23 March 2013

The truth of something this scale is impossible to cover-up.

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to
rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

Read more:

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Head of 'Climategate' research unit admits sending 'pretty awful emails' to hide data Read more:

Scientists at the heart of the Climategate row were yesterday accused by a leading academic body of undermining science's credibility.

The Institute of Physics said 'worrying implications' had been raised after it was revealed the University of East Anglia had manipulated data on global warming.

The rebuke - the strongest yet from the scientific community - came as Professor Phil Jones, the researcher at the heart of the scandal, told MPs he had written 'some pretty awful emails' - but denied trying to suppress data.

The Climategate row, which was first revealed by the Daily Mail in November, was triggered when a hacker stole hundreds of emails sent from East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit.

They revealed scientists plotting how to avoid responding to Freedom of Information requests from climate change sceptics.

Full Story here

Wednesday 23 December 2009

From Global Warming Believer To Skeptic .

Bradley Fikes
NC Times
Wednesday, Dec 23rd, 2009

A few years ago, I accepted global warming theory with few doubts. I wrote several columns for this paper condemning what I thought were unfair attacks by skeptics and defending the climate scientists.

Boy, was I naive.

Since the Climategate emails and documents revealed active collusion to thwart skeptics and even outright fraud, I’ve been trying to correct the record of my earlier foolishness. In one of those columns, I even wrote: “And see Real Climate ( for global warming science without the political spin.”

In fact, Real Climate was and is nothing more than the house organ of global warming activists, concerned more with politics than with science.

My mistake was assuming only the purest of motives of the global warming alarmists, while assuming the worst of the skeptics. In fact, the soi-disant moralists of the global warming movement can also exploit their agenda for profit.

Climategate jolted me into confronting the massive fraud and deception by top global warming scientists, who were in a position to twist the peer-review process in their favor, and did so shamelessly.

Yet still most media reports desperately minimize Climategate, saying that it doesn’t taint the massive research supporting global warming theory. To them I say, how do you know that? Have you investigated how much of that research was published due to the manipulation of these unethical and fraudulent scientists? Do you know how much research that goes against the global warming activist claims was unfairly suppressed?

Until all this is known, it’s not possible to say with any confidence how much of global warming theory will remain after all the fraud and deceit has been removed. And until climate science is cleaned up, it doesn’t deserve the worship so many in the media unthinkingly give its tainted practitioners.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Gordon Brown calls for new group to police global environment issues .

A new global body dedicated to environmental stewardship is needed to prevent a repeat of the deadlock which undermined the Copenhagen climate change summit, Gordon Brown will say tomorrow.

The UN’s consensual method of negotiation, which requires all 192 countries to reach agreement, needs to be reformed to ensure that the will of the majority prevails, he feels.

The Prime Minister will say: “Never again should we face the deadlock that threatened to pull down those talks. Never again should we let a global deal to move towards a greener future be held to ransom by only a handful of countries. One of the frustrations for me was the lack of a global body with the sole responsibility for environmental stewardship.

Click Here for the full news article

Once again we see our leaders 'moving the goal posts' to change the criteria for ratification on a UN-climate Deal. As they failed to implement any legally binding treaty due (thankfully) to a few Country's holding out, PM Brown now wants a majority rule to ensure nothing can get in the way of him doing his NWO masters bidding.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Climate-gate The facts.

Here is Alex Jones, a frontrunner for waking the population from their governmental/media induced trance. This is an important release from Alex and must be shown, debated and discussed at all levels of your/our communities.




Greenpeace's Director Busted For Lying About The Effects Of Global Warming

Greenpeace's executive director, Gerd Leipold, was busted by the BBC's Stephen Sackur for lying about the effects of global warming in the video below.

On July 15th, Greenpeace put out a press release saying the arctic ice caps would melt by 2030, a claim that Leipold now admits is false. Rather than own up, and say it was a mistake and he'd never let it happen again, he says Greenpeace is "a pressure group" that has to "emotionalize issues, and we're not ashamed" of it.

This is horrible. Imagine if an oil company executive, or the head of the American Petroleum Institute made the same concession.

This is the problem with the global warming debate. Most people don't feel the effects of a warming planet on day to day basis, so proponents need to overstate the effects to get people's attention. Of course, the devastating effects are always predicted to be 20-30 years away, so we can't call them out if they're wrong.

Click Here for the full original article.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

The Biggest Scam of all time.

Hi Long time no post on this blog for me, I just hope that one or two people will come across it from time to time and allow their minds to be opened to the reality that is "Global Warming or Climate Change" is not caused by man\"s effect on the planet.
Only scientists who have been bought for huge sums of money or power by the Global Elite (the banking fraternity) will tell you that we must cut carbon emissions. WHY? Because the Global Elite plan to ensure that it\"s their families that control the worlds finances for at least the next three century\"s as they have the last.// Click Here for evidence which supports this theory.//HOW? By charging taxes on every motor vehicle user, householder, industry operator and manufacturer in the world, no-one and nothing will be exempt from this.

So then lets look at all the good reliable scientific data that is available taken from ice core and rock core samples, that give us adequate data to compile charts over the last hundreds of thousands of years. The following chart is only from the last 15 years, but it - like many others - shows the opposite of what the (IPCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is trying to tell us, that Co2 = Temperature increase.

Now I dont know if its just me, but we know that the earth temperature has gone through some very drastic changes over the course of time (millions of years), from Ice covering most of the planet to tropical heat in the coldest parts of the earth today.
So are these people going to be so bold as to say that they can stop, or prevent, this naturally occurring phenomenon from happening again? If so then this is lunacy, total madness.

I started this blog some time ago as i am committed to exposing the truth about this, the most important issue on the political table today. Please dont let them get away with this.

These people are at the same time trying to usher in a New World Order where one world government and single currency will be instituted. Please see my other blogs for more on these issues.